The Nines

Milestone 4: Treasure Detection


The goal of this milestone was to detect whether there is a treasure, and if so, the color and shape of the treasure.


Treasure presence and color were completed in Lab 4. To determine the shape of a treasure, we examined different sections of the screen. Previously, we had divided the screen into top, middle, and bottom sections of equal size. In determining a treasure’s shape, we first determined the color of that treasure. We then compared the different screen sections using the number of pixels of that color.

Using a red treasure as example, if the top section had less red pixels than the bottom section, the treasure was determined to be a triangle. If the middle section had more red pixels than the top and bottom sections, the treasure was determined to be a diamond. Finally, if a treasure was detected that was not a triangle or diamond, it was determined to be a square. Pixel buffers were also added to prevent incorrect shape detection. This can be seen in our following implementation:

if (blue_count[0] + 250 < blue_count[1] && blue_count[1] + 250 < blue_count[2])
    treasure_shape = 2; // TRIANGLE
else if (blue_count[0] + 250 < blue_count[1] && blue_count[2] + 250 < blue_count[1])
    treasure_shape = 3; // DIAMOND
    treasure_shape = 1; // SQUARE

Shape Detection: