Hello, and welcome to the Nines!
Explore this website to discover the progress of our robot, named Nine. You’ll see it accomplish tons as each lab and milestone progresses!
- Lab 1: The team gets accustomed to working with Arduinos and servos.
- Milestone 1: Nine drives along a line using IR line sensors.
- Lab 2: The team uses circuits and FFTs to detect sound and IR signals of specific frequencies.
- Milestone 2: Nine gains wall sensors, and the ability to go around a wall and avoid other robots.
- Lab 3: Nine gains a radio to send information about its surroundings to a computer, and a microphone to start moving on a tone.
- Milestone 3: Nine gains the ability to explore a full maze through depth-first search.
- Lab 4: The team uses an FPGA and a camera to get live video and detect different colors.
- Milestone 4: The team uses the camera and FPGA to detect shapes and colors.
- Robot Ethics: A discussion on whether a ban on autonomous offensive weapons would work.
- Final Design: A summary of Nine’s final design.